Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Species 73 - Heterotoma planicornis

Found several more species of bug today, most of which I couldn't identify, but this one I could find, helped by it's extraordinary antenna. It's descibed as being abundant on Nettles. Well I only found this one but it was on a nettle

Heterotoma planicornis

Scores (how the 73 species so far break down by group)

Bees - 6
Moths - 5
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 11
OtherFlies - 3
Hoverflies - 11
Molluscs - 1
Beetles - 11
Spiders -1
Centipedes - 1
Wasps - 1
Butterflies - 11
Dragonflies - 2
Birds - 4
True bugs - 3

GWP - copyright GWP


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