Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 3 - Smooth Newt

Thought I'd check out the pond this evening. The Marsh Marigold is just coming into flower (later than normal?) so I thought that would make an easy shot as I didn't have much time. However I quickly spotted the otherwise seldom-seen Smooth Newts. The Newts appeared almost as soon as we had made the pond 2 years ago. We see them occasionally during the spring but I've never seen any spawn or tadpoles. I was quite excited to see 3 tonight showing really well, in fact the 2 males were clearly displaying to the female. If things go smoothly maybe we'll get some tadpoles after all. I got really good views but didn't capture much with the camera, a combination of their movement and chronic surface reflection made it tough. Maybe I need a polarising filter.

Anyway here's today's offering: Smooth Newt (Triturus vulgaris) (180mm, f4.5, 1/320s)


Bumblebees - 2
Amphibians - 1

I've never seen frogs or toads so I guess this may be my first and last amphibian.

I won't be posting tomorrow or Thursday as I'm away on business



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