Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Species 32 - Bombus vestalis

A bumble bee yes, but a very interesting one. This is a member of a group of bumble bees called the Cuckoo Bees, so named, you guessed it, because of the fact that they don't make a nest and rise their own young, but instead lay their eggs in the nest of another species and rely on those hard working bees to bring up their young. A case of convergent evolution if ever I saw one


Bees - 4
Moths - 1
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 8
OtherFlies - 2
Hoverflies - 3
Molluscs - 1
Beetles - 4
Spiders -1
Centipedes - 1
Wasps - 1
Butterflies - 2
Dragonflies - 1
Birds - 2



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