Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Species 77 - Turnip Sawfly

Found this fly on a Common Mallow leaf and although it's name suggests it favours Turnips I think it'll feed on any member of the crucifer (cabbage) family, including any wild species that are around.

Turnip Sawfly (Athalia rosae)

Scores (how the 77 species so far break down by group)

Bees - 6
Moths - 5
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 13
OtherFlies - 4
Hoverflies - 12
Molluscs - 1
Beetles - 11
Spiders -1
Centipedes - 1
Wasps - 1
Butterflies - 11
Dragonflies - 2
Birds - 4
True bugs - 3

GWP - copyright GWP


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