Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Day 6 - Emmelina monodactyla

It rained today so it wasn't great for photography, although the good news is I did manage to fill the rain butt and the pond.

I flushed this moth from the grass as I was mowing the lawn just before the rains came. It's a moth of a group known as the plumes, which are characterised by having finely divided wings. In this species though that isn't evident as the wings are held very tightly rolled up. It's one of the commonenest of the plume moths, being found at most times of the year in most parts of the country. It's food plant is bindweed, which means it should stay around the garden as that is a plant we are not short of.

This is the first moth photo, but definitely not the last as this is large group. I probably need to focus on a few plant species soon as there are several around that will shortly be over.

Emmelina monodactyla. Usual camera set up

Bumblebees - 2
Other bees - 1
Moths - 1
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 1



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