Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Species 34 - Volucella bombylans

This is another really nice hoverfly, clearly a bumblebee mimic and the only hoverfly to have a hairy body. It ossurs in several different colour forms, corresponding to the various species of bumblebee. The larvae of this species live in wasp nests living as scavengers.

Volucella bombylans


Bees - 5
Moths - 1
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 8
OtherFlies - 2
Hoverflies - 4
Molluscs - 1
Beetles - 4
Spiders -1
Centipedes - 1
Wasps - 1
Butterflies - 2
Dragonflies - 1
Birds - 2

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