Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Monday, May 15, 2006

Species 10 - Helophilus pendulus

Haven't posted since last wednesday as have been birding in Spain. Many fabulous birds but the highlight has to be Lammergaier, what a bird. Anyway back to business - a different species from my garden for as long as I can manage. Went out late afternoon and immediately spotted this rather nice hoverfly flying around the pond and sunning itself on the rocks. There are few species in the Helophilus genus, this is the commonest. Whilst this is a hoverfly, this one wasn't tending to fly much more directly and do less hovering than normally seen withi flies of this group.

Helophilus pendulus

Bumblebees - 2
Other bees - 1
Moths - 1
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 3
OtherFlies - 1
Hoverflies - 1



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