Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Species 13 - Hedge Mustard

Difficult photography conditions, overcast and windy, again today meant a limited choice of subjects. However I did come across a plant species I hadn't seen before so opted to go for that. Hedge Mustard is a common plant of hedgerows throughout much of the UK, this is a young specimen, only 30cm high, they do get much bigger. The flowers are tiny! It is supposed to taste of mustard, but not to my tastebuds, maybe it's only the older leaves?

Hedge Mustard (Sisymbrium officinale). Due to the bad weather I didn't use the usual macro lens today (I did attempt it but my shots were all hopelessly blurry) but instead went for my 50mm f1.8 lens to maximise the shutter speed. Even so it's still not a perfect shot.


Bumblebees - 2

Other bees - 1

Moths - 1

Amphibians - 1

Plants - 5

OtherFlies - 1

Hoverflies - 1

Molluscs - 1

My focus on plant species does reflect their seasonal nature BUT I prefer taking shots of insects etc so I'm hoping we might get some better weather soon.



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