Garden Wildlife Photo Challenge

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Species 15 - Pyrochroa serraticornis

I came across this rather good-looking beetle under some rotting wood just behind the pond, which fits in well with it's habitat preference descriptions. Another species is very similar, Pyrochroa coccinea, but that one has a black head. According to Chinery's Complete British Insects (Collins) it is coccinea that has the common name of Cardinal Beetle, although other sources regard serraticornis as having that name. Maybe it is equally applied to both.

Pyrochroa serraticornis (180mm Macro)


Bumblebees - 2
Other bees - 1
Moths - 1
Amphibians - 1
Plants - 6
OtherFlies - 1
Hoverflies - 1
Molluscs - 1
Beetles - 1

Two other notable sightings today, first a Holly Blue, moving too quick to get a photo though. Second, two 4 cm long Smooth Newts under a stone at the ponds edge - I assume some of this years progeny!



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